“Watch your ‘Thoughts’, they become words.  Watch your ‘Words’, they become actions. Watch your ‘Actions’, they become habits.  Watch your ‘Habits’, they become character.  Watch your ‘Character’, for it becomes your Destiny.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Body-Centered Psychotherapy describes therapeutic approaches that integrate a client’s physical body into the therapy process.

Body/mind (Somatic) Psychology enables one to directly experience sensations through the body and link them with varying degrees and levels of consciousness. In engaging with life, from childhood to adulthood, we develop patterns of behavior and core beliefs that protect but can also limit us. These patterns are manifested in the mind as defense mechanisms and in the body, by our body shape, movement, breathing patterns and expression. We will look for the relationship between these patterns and habits, both as they are expressed in the client’s current life and in what is happening on an energetic level in their body.

This form of “direct experience” reveals belief systems as they manifest physically, emotionally, and psychologically. As awareness is allowed to surface in the therapeutic environment, free of judgment, it can organically unfold into full consciousness, promoting insight, transition, and evolution. Basically the discovery of our unencumbered selves reveals the discovery of how the body acts as a living blueprint for our identity.

My focus is based on the unique needs of each client.

HOLISTIC: Based on the principles of mind-body unity

BODY CENTERED: Working directly with the body through movement and attention to breath, body sensation and awareness, energy flow and other non-verbal as well as verbal

EXPERIENTIAL: Body-awareness in therapy gives us access to memories, emotions, and beliefs that are otherwise beyond words and cognition. If you have struggled to understand how your body and mind are seemingly on different pages, with Body-Centered Psychotherapy can get them communicating again.

There are various approaches of how to work with the body. I have been trained in Hatha Yoga and Pranayama (Breathing) and have practised these for over 15 years. Body work was one of my first professions as a Massage and Beauty Therapist in Germany. In addition I have been trained in Holistic Counselling, Gestalt Psychotherapy, Autogenes Training and Pranic Healing in all of them we worked extensively with body processes. And for the last four years I’ve had the privilege to work with an experience Gestalt Therapist in Groups working with contact awareness on body process, resistance and Impass.

If you’d like to learn more about what your body can reveal, and to have more awareness and a healthier relationship between your body and mind, please contact me.

Thought alone can completely change the body.

Candace Pert PhD