Effective Communication – Personal Empowerment

Helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish.

As simple as communication seems, much of what we try to communicate to others—and what others try to communicate to us—gets misunderstood, which can cause conflict and frustration in personal and professional relationships.

By understanding these effective communication skills, you can better connect with your spouse, kids, friends, and coworkers.

What is effective communication?

In the information age, we have to send, receive, and process huge numbers of messages every day. But effective communication is about more than just exchanging information; it’s also about understanding the emotion behind the information.

Effective communication can improve relationships at home, work, and in social situations by deepening your connections to others and improving teamwork, decision-making, and problem solving. It enables you to communicate even negative or difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying trust.

Effective communication combines a set of skills including nonverbal communication, attentive listening, the ability to manage stress in the moment, and the capacity to recognize and understand your own emotions and those of the person you’re communicating with.

While effective communication is a learned skill, it is more effective when it’s spontaneous rather than formulaic. A speech that is read, for example, rarely has the same impact as a speech that’s delivered (or appears to be delivered) spontaneously.

Of course, it takes time and effort to develop these skills and become an effective communicator. The more effort and practice you put in, the more instinctive and spontaneous your communication skills will become.

There are two important things to remember about problems and conflicts: they happen all the time and they are opportunities to improve the system and the relationships.

Fundamental skills to enhance your personal and professional effectiveness.

• Active Listening
• I Messages
• Problem Solving
• 12 Roadblocks to Communication
• Effective Communication
• Conflict Resolution
• Assertiveness
• Values Collision
• Getting Your Point Across
• Enhance and Increase Personal Effectiveness

Problem Solving Method

Every one of us is facing different problems every day. We may have dreamt that miracle can happen so that all our problems will be solved when we wake up the next morning.

The experience of being troubled by these problems can cause depressive as well as anxiety symptoms. Commonly encountered problems include health problems, financial problems, and interpersonal relationship problems.

If we are able to solve some of our problems, it is very likely that we will feel better.

Problem solving therapy is a type of psychotherapy which can help to improve your way of experiencing a problem.

As your therapist I will help you to deal with your emotions and concentrate on analyzing the problem step by step. You will encounter throughout the session your motivation to solve your problems effectively.

My main goal is for the client to learn their problem solving skills.

Are you ready to take the steps to empower yourself and your relationships ?